Helen Blum

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

My name is Helen, and I am a passionate yoga teacher from Reutlingen. Yoga has given me so much! In short: Thanks to yoga, I have finally found meaning in my life. When I'm not practicing yoga, you'll likely find me in nature or at exotic locations around the world. In our fast-paced world, yoga helps me live mindfully and better manage stress. Thanks to yoga, I have overcome chronic back and knee pain. Yoga also helps me live with more confidence, self-love, and acceptance. I am infinitely grateful to have found yoga in my life, and I want to share some of that gratitude with you: My goal is to help you live a happier and more fulfilling life through yoga and to contribute to your holistic health! I do this by offering yoga classes on YouTube live and online classes, as well as community events and retreats. I look forward to possibly meeting you at one of these events soon.

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