
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Hello, I am Kornelius, together with Sanshine I am hosting the retreat at AYA. I aspire to lead a purposeful life of sharing love and wisdom which for me are the cornerstones of wholeness. I long to inspire, shine a light and make you wonder.

Spiritually I am following the path of Jnana yoga. I found a sense of peace there. It is where my mission to guide others in their spiritual path is rooted. It is the perspective from which I operate as a host and guide.

Being born as an ophiuchian, hermeticism naturally found its way into my life. It is the source of my calling, to be a light along your path. The wisdom and magic of the ancients is my point of departure and trusted source to return to.

I have been naturally drawn to the healing power of plant medicine and entheogens all my adult life and I have dedicated the past 15 years cultivating them and -my self- through them. At AYA retreats I host the plant medicine ceremonies where entheogens are taken prior to your personal journeys.i hold the space, I provide the aftercare, help ingrate and reflect on those things that came up along the way. Additionally, it is one of my greatest passion to work culinary alchemy in the kitchen!

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