Below, you will find an example of the program. It is Sanshine´s strength and passion to let the program evolve fluidly and organically as we go through this week.
The program grows and evolves depending on individual needs and the needs of the group as a whole.
When we have small groups, we also have time for one-on-one sessions.
On Sunday, you will arrive and check in preferably between 14.00 and 18.00.
You will receive a welcome smoothie, followed by a guided introduction and tour of the AYA valley by one of our hosts.
Take your time to pick the perfect tent for you, settle into your cosy accommodation and meet the other participants or take some time to let go of your travels and explore AYA's nature by yourself.
Around 19.00, we will serve a delicious dinner buffet.
After dinner, Sanshine will open the retreat with a opening circle and a first session.
She will feel in the moment what is right to offer, depending on the participants' energy after traveling and having dinner.
Maybe we can seduce you to do your first dance of the retreat. This will be a dance for fun and group bonding.
On Monday, we will start with a morning meditation after a smoothie and a drink. The intention of this meditation is to ground and connect you firmly in your center.
Followed by a sharing circle so we can get to know each other a little.
After the morning session, there will always be a delicious breakfast/lunch buffet.
In the afternoon, we have a date with the elements. We will connect with our inner elements and move with the elements around us.
Then you are invited to go into the wild and make love to one of the elements of your choice, in a way you apeal to.
After a wonderful dinner buffet, you can fill the evening. Chill in the lounge, play games with the others, take some time to be alone, hike, or do whatever calls you most.
Day 3, we will start with breathing exercises and Kundalini Yoga after a lovely smoothie.
After a juicy fruit salad with nuts and a coconut topping, Sunshine will take you on a Playdance journey. We will transform ourselves into animals of the air-, water-, and land realms and dance and play like them.
They all have their own gifts, which we can tune into. We will free ourselves from shame and shyness and tune into our wild nature. Explore what animals you can connect with.
Play with each other in a dance of life. Or go deep within and visualize yourself as one of these animals, play inside your mind.
After this relieving dance session, we will feel very hungry, so there will be a warm and cold buffet waiting for us.
After dinner, the clock will tell you it is around 20.30, and you are free to relax outside on the terras or in one of the many hammocks, in the privacy of your own bell tent, or stay in the lounge and socialize with the other participants.
There will be drinks available until 22.00, after the restaurant and lounge will close.
Day 4 has a program free morning. After the breakfast buffet, for those who want, there will be a free guided tour to the crystal mine, to find your own crystals.
If this hike does not resonate with you, perhaps you feel more inclined to a full-body massage or a singing bowl massage, or you just want to meditate in nature, lie down on the yoga mat and listen to some interesting teachings, or do something else. It is completely up to you.
Day 5 we will start with a self-love meditation and cuddling workshop.
In the afternoon, there will be an Ecstatic Dance session and, after dinner, a rebirth ceremony.
On day 6, we will start with a joined forces meditation, where we experience all our energies as one.
We connect on a deep level, either with ourselves or with the other participants. We will teach you to see each other's lotuses, and we will also do some sound exercises.
In the afternoon, we invite you to a cuddling session, which can also grow into a dance, massage, or whatever you feel is okay.
In the afternoon we will trow a Freedom Dance Party, where everything is possible, as long as it is okay with you.
During the whole retreat we will take you on a journey exploring your boundries and communicate them, so you can feel safe and free at all times.
On day 7, after a delicious breakfast buffet, there will be a group sharing. Followed by hugs, thanks and goodbyes.
Ready to go on your way for the rest of your journey in this beautiful life.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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