Gemma White

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Gemma began her plant medicine path in 2014, when she joined her first Ayahuasca retreat in the Peruvian Rainforest. Since then, she has been working with Ayahuasca, other master plants and medicines to heal, learn and grow. Gemma has taken part in many plant dietas, some under the guidance of the Mestizo lineage and others under the Shipibo lineage. Her diets in the Shipibo lineage have significantly deepened her relationship with plants and opened the path to her own medicine which has led her to support others on their healing journey.
Today, Gemma resides in the mountains of Peru where she lives a life of service as a facilitator for Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and Kambo ceremonies and retreats. She continues her apprenticeship and immerses herself in multiple medicines and healing modalities. She is a yoga teacher and works with herbalism, food therapy and sound healing. She also practices Ayurvedic Marma Therapy, Pranic Healing, and Theta Healing to support and empower individuals on their Journey.
Gemma believes in the power of nature, prayer, and living a life of gratitude, connection, and community; a way of life that leads to supporting each other on this life journey for more healing, growth & expansion.
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