Carla J. Mazzeo, PhD

About the Teacher

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Brief Bio

Education/Work/Professional Development:

Operating Retreats, 2019-Present

Private Practice, NY - 2002-Present

Astor Family Services, Court Evaluations -2009

Dream Group, Center for Symbolic Studies, NY - 2002-2007/2023

SUNY New Paltz Staff Psychologist -2000-2003

Metropolitan Institute for training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, NYC - 1999

Notre Dame University, Internship - 1997

Retreats International, Meditating the Dream, IN - 1997

Doctorate of Philosophy, California School of Professional Psychology - 1997. Eco-Systemic Child/Family, Psychodynamic and Organizational Behavior concentrations.

Scholarship, Rediscovering Justice Conference. Explored the topic of Justice from various religious perspectives. Speakers from universities, the religious community, and Nobel Peace Prize winners, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Betty Williams. Wrote an essay to be published in a book about the conference. Essay was also placed in a time-capsule at Grace Cathedral to be opened in 50 years. CA - 1995

Jungian Dream Analysis Retreat, CA -1994- 1997

SUNY New Paltz, BA, Exchange student in Puebla Mexico -1990

(for an extended curriculum vitae contact me) Read More

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