Natalia Mejía

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Being born in a country with plant medicine tradition gave me the opportunity to be in contact with the magic and power of plants since I was a little girl, when my grandmother and my mom use botanical wisdom to heal my physical and emotional diseases... Plants were always there.

I received the call of grandma Ayahuasca more than 10 years ago and since that I have been deepening in the ocean of myself with the intention of understanding my complex humanity, living a more joyful life and releasing the veil that creates separation inside and outside me; during this time I have also explore and incorporate into my life practices of meditation, yoga, pranayama, ayurvedic medicine, dance and conscious movement using the physical body as a tool for healing and transcendence; finally in my call of serving the feminine energy I have created and developed sacred women's circles and I keep creating spaces for young women to bring conscious to our blissful cycles and their inherited relation with mother earth.

My job in Psychonauta is to create and hold a safe space where people can overcome the challenges of this experience in order to focus in what really matters: their own healing journey! I also like to bring harmony, kindness and joy, just like a big smile to serve as a reminder that this process - and life itself - it should also be joyful and enjoyable... "at the end the diet and the ceremonies are just an intensive training for doing better in life".

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