
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Colas is a medicine man specializing in Amazonian medicinal plants. He studied with the Shipibo master Pascual Mahua for 10 years in the Ucayali River area of the Peruvian Amazon.
Born in 1983 in France, colas has travled around the world and was exposed to many cultures and countries.
Colas carries the lineage of the new generation of healers with roots in Shipibo-Conibo medicine.
Colas is a committed facilitator on the long path of diets with medicinal plants and personal transformation.

During the ceremonies, all darkness and shadow are illuminated by the Icaros, the plants that accompany his work, and the Sacred company of Tobacco. Through his work with Ayahuasca, energy portals open up that give us the ability to see and feel at a level beyond our limited rational mind. It allows us to enter the energetic world where all living beings are interconnected.

Colas guides, provides tools, and protects the space for each participant in their own exploration and healing. His medicine has the property of finding in our bodies where energies, memories, and patterns are stored that we need to free ourselves from. Once they are shown to us, channels of understanding, compassion, and acceptance open up that will allow us to take away sacred learning. And in this way, with self-responsibility, transform our reality in this life, also transforming what surrounds us.

During the ceremonies each participantis guided to transform their life to be happy and responsible on their path.

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