Angelo Surinder

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

It is one of the main aspects of Ângelo’s work as a therapist, facilitator and trainer: Shamanism. His first contact with shamanic practices occurred as a young adult, during the period he lived in the community in Galicia. Here, he learned to live in close communion with Nature, to work with its elements, and was introduced to practices based on Druidry and Celtic traditions, which served as the basis of the community’s lifestyle. These teachings had a profound impact on Ângelo’s life, on his spiritual growth and desire to know more about the holistic dimension of the Human Being.

His connection to Shamanism became deeper when he began his travels to South America and met a Paqo, an Inca shaman, who introduced him to the spiritual and multidimensional knowledge of the culture of the Q’eros, a tribe with whom he had been private during his your stays in Peru. All these experiences contribute today to Ângelo’s unique signature as a Sound Healer, in the use of Canto Medicina and shamanic instruments such as the drum, the flute (from Nazca, the Avuelos, from both hemispheres, Native American Flute), the antaras, the hissing vessels, ocarinas and icaros, among others, combined with more common instruments in the area of ​​Sound Healing.

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