Stephanie says, "The 2 weeks a la casa de loto were very ressourceful. In this inspiring environnement and with this good tasty and healthy food, it felt peaceful to be there. A spécial thanks to the mindfulness and yoga teacher Mel, a dedicated and human person." See more
Jude says, "I'm so glad I made time during my trip in Colombia to visit Doña Martha and her family at their retreat center. Doña Martha has created a place of serene peace and natural beauty (I could sit in her garden for days!)." See more
Oliver says, "This place is amazing! The most important aspect for for me was to feel safe going into a medicine experience, and the location, the team and the way things were organised did exactly that." See more
Ashly says, "This was the first retreat I have ever attended (never the less alone), I definitely dove way out of my comfort zone. However when I arrived, I instantly formed deep connections with all who were attending along with the gracious hosts’ Frankie, Frank & David." See more
Natalia says, "This is my second retreat for ayahuasca so I thought I knew what to expect but I have to say that they blew through my expectations. The ancestral retreats team created a retreat that was both challenging and comfortable throughout ." See more