Leslie says, "Great session! Not too large, not too small. Our group came together with just the right energy and the retreat centre provided the serenity and safety to let us be both serious and crazy." See more
Maureen says, "I came questioning and definitely hesitant. I left awake and aware, "I can do hard things. I am strong. I can trust my body and my inner wisdom. Priceless!! " See more
Natasha says, "My ten-year-old just loved this program and can't wait to go to the next one! Program leaders are outstanding!" See more
Ashley says, "This immersive experience provided a gentle introduction to new tools and techniques that I can now carry with me on my journey. The experiential approach made it easier to grasp new ways of understanding ourselves and the world around us." See more
Louise says, "Great Journey to the very centre of myself. I love all the Haven programs and this one was amazing, too." See more