About Vrinda School of yoga

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29days 200 hours yogateacher training and renuvinating achieved massage in kerala.study in depth of asanas, pranayama, mudra, bandha, anatomy, physiology, alignments and adjustment, asana sequencing.U.S. yoga alliance registered school.



Menu Types

Fresh organic vegetarian food, yogic diet, ayurvedic food.

Getting Here

Location icon Vrinda School of yoga, Varkala, Kerala, India


It can be found it in Google map , Car is the easiest way

Customer Reviews

1.00 out of 5.0 average rating

Money making factory
I was so looking forward starting a TTC at Vrinda. But from the moment of arrival I noticed it's a money making factory with false advertising. After one week 1/3 of our group left the school. The teachers are unprofessional (no teaching skills) and students got injured. For example I got pushed and fell over on the ground. The teacher assistant was pushing me and pushing me while I tolled her I could not go any futher, that I reached my maximum. Next thing she tolled me that I was too stiff and that I couldn't do yoga. Theory classes were not clear (same subject two different stories).
Small groups where not small. With 50 people they had to shorten our yoga classes. One evening I was waiting for the meditation lesson which apparently was skipped. 200 hours TTC would not be 200 hours at all. New people kept coming in even it was already overcrowded. They had to hire a lot of extra rooms in different buildings. People slept even on the floor outside on the balcony. Food was very poor even for a yogi diet. Somedays there was not enough food for everyone. No syllabus, no yoga alliance certificate like all was advertised.
In the mean time some things have been changed on their website and at the school after a lot of fighting with the founders and teachers of the school. We have seen another side of them and after seeing this our decision of leaving was made easily.
Yes, the rate Vrinda is charging is cheap but if it is not coming straight from the heart how pure can it be? After I left Ive been visiting other yoga schools. No more cheating no more lying. My tip to all of you; do not book in advance but visit the school yourself and then decide if it feels right for you or not.
I'm happy for the people who are happy over there but they haven't seen the other side. I just don't want to do it only for the certificate.

And btw; don't forget to buy and bring your own yogamat otherwise your knies will be sore of the concrete floor since they won't tell you anything.

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