About Slow Travel Morocco

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
Venue & Amenities
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Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
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Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Villa Basmah at stunning Boutique Hotel Le Jardin des Douars:
The retreat will take place at a beautiful 420qm villa, which is located in the backland of Essaouira, a reknown world heritage harbour city by the Atlantic Ocean. We will enjoy the luxury of having the space all to ourselves, including 4 spacious, shared twin and triple bedrooms incl. private bathrooms, daily house keeping, a private pool & terrace outdoors as well. The property is located in a >3000qm botanical moroccan garden, that



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Getting Here

Location icon Slow Travel Morocco, Le Jardin des Douars, N1, Essaouira, Morocco

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Mission & Vision

Slow Travel Morocco offers soul-touching culture trips & retreats equipped with self-care, adventure & inspiration for modern explorers & solo travellers.
We are convinced that we can only really sustainably absorb the wealth of new experiences if we do so in a leisurely way. Therefore we explicitly focus on the quality of the experience, rather than the quantity.
Sara, founder and travel designer, is deeply dedicated to take people on the adventure of meeting themselves. She believes in the life-changing power of intentional travel and creates unique & original solo and group experiences that leave a lasting impression on her guests all around the world.