About Eleusinia

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Nestled in the picturesque Valle de Bravo, a posh and popular getaway near Mexico City, our 100 acre private retreat center offers a serene, nature-filled environment for your experience. Our multidisciplinary team, with deep expertise in psychedelics and consciousness studies, enhances this setting by providing scientifically-grounded support that both educates and empowers.



Menu Types

Our menu is fully vegetarian, thoughtfully designed to offer an enjoyable dining experience.

Getting Here

Location icon Eleusinia, Valle de Bravo


To get to Eleusinia, you will need to fly into Mexico City. Our Mercedes Sprinter van picks up our groups at 12:30pm on the start date of the retreat from the airport Courtyard Marriott that is connected to the terminal via skybridge.

Customer Reviews

4.77 out of 5.0 average rating

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Just amazing
I concur with what everyone else has said about their experience at Eleusinia. The caring and supportive staff, beautiful accommodations and grounds, delicious food, the tools you are given to be successful at continuing the journey that brought you to Eleusinia and the bonding that goes on between participants and staff are unforgettable.

One thing I learned is that if you come with an expectation of what you will experience or what will come up, toss that out the window because you cannot predict it. Nothing came up that I thought would, things that needed to come up did.

It was clear that everyone had a different and life-changing experience. After we took the macrodose, which we did in an area called “the nest”, we were encouraged to leave it once we felt any effects and go to the beautiful area outside of the nest and let the medicine start working. Not exactly sure what happened in my case. I had the most healing experience of my entire life that changed my outlook completely but I never left the nest. I tried, but I just couldn’t, because I felt so safe there. I was never left alone. Someone was always right there by my side. I was surprised that I did not have any visual
or auditory experiences, but instead I cried for about 6-7 hours. Although I cannot remember every single thing, I can remember many things that I have been holding on to for years that I didn’t realize I was. The person I am today is a person I have never known my whole life. I’ve endured many traumas since childhood and well into adulthood and they impacted every aspect of my life. Somehow I got lucky and finally had everything I could ask for like a loving and supportive husband and children, in addition to a very comfortable life, but I couldn’t appreciate it because I didn’t know how to. Now I do. My family is not entirely sure how to take all this in quite yet, although they are very happy. Previously, their actions revolved around what my mood was each day, and now they can breathe. It’s a process, but a good one. I am very fortunate to have the support of my family as well as my doctor, who actually encouraged me to come, and he and I will be working on a plan for me to wean off many of the medications I’ve been on for years that never seemed to help me live a somewhat normal life anyway.

Every single staff member at Eleusinia was patient, comforting, and supportive. It was like being in a cocoon the entire stay.

While visiting Eleusinia is not going to solve all of your problems, it certainly will give you a jumpstart of putting you in the right mindset to help reverse self-destructive thoughts or negative behaviors so that you can continue to work on being the best person you can be. We will never be without problems, because well, life. However, I have found with this wonderful medicine that I can navigate life better, and when struggles come up, I can cope with them more effectively than I ever could before. At least this has been my experience.

I cannot thank the staff at Eleusinia enough. Everyone was absolutely wonderful. I will be forever grateful to Jessica, Jay, Josefina, Tawnya, Karen, Roger, Madai, and a most special shout out to Emilio.

The housekeeping and kitchen staff, as well as the masseuse, also make the experience just perfect. I hope I’m not forgetting anyone. Every need is taken care of.

I will also never forget the nine other wonderful people I went through this experience with.

One participant told me something that I won’t forget and really summed up my experience. He said when I arrived, I looked like I was holding my breath for a very long time and that by the end I looked so relaxed and peaceful. I did not notice it physically, but I definitely felt it emotionally.

Thank you again to the Eleusinia staff, and I will be returning next year!

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Extraordinary…so extraordinary that I am compelled to write my first review in 53 years. I attended the January 2024 retreat. The entire program is designed with YOU and your individual needs as Eleusinia’s top priority. The retreat was a flawless blend of science, pleasure and spirituality. The staff flowed together as a unit yet had individual strengths and impeccable credentials. The food and accommodations were superb. Bonus! The grounds are breathtaking, exotic and incredibly private. I went in with a mixture of healthy cynicism and waning hope. Eleusinia curated an experience for me that greatly lessened the pain I have incurred from a chronic pain condition that I have suffered from for 6 years…6 years of countless doctor appointments, zero answers and failed traditional medicine. If you are reading this…and you are suffering…I highly encourage you to reach out to Jessica personally. They are incredibly responsive. She has so much knowledge and compassion and her personal suffering led her down this path to help others. That’s a rare find and I wish I had done it sooner. My heart is full and my head is clear so I may now move forward with my life. Godspeed.

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Rediscovered the version of myself my family and I have been missing
I spent a significant amount of time researching potential psilocybin retreats that would create a safe space for me to explore some personal challenges I have been experiencing over the last few years. I found Eleusinia’s blend of science and spirituality to be most appealing to my rational mind and my desire to understand what’s going on inside my mind and heart.

Jessica and her team blew me away with their professionalism, warmth, and the safety they created for myself and fellow guests to be vulnerable and delve into the experience.

Apart from the incredible staff, three things stood out to me compared to other retreats and why I would recommend this to anyone seeking more than just a week of expanding their consciousness.

First, the reverse-pyramid dosing, breathwork, and DMT interval. I personally appreciated the macro dose at the beginning of the retreat as it allowed me to immediately dive in and uncover things I could spend the next few days exploring. The DMT in the middle of the week provided an additional vehicle for exploring my consciousness and other forms of medicine that I may want to experience in the future. The breathwork and analytical meditation sessions were as profound (for me) as the medicinal sessions themselves.

Second, the cultivation class and education took a practical approach to providing long-term support after the retreat is over, should one continue to use this medicine for health reasons.

Finally, I know they’re about to move into an even more impressive location, but the hospitality, house, landscape, and temperature (this is super important for those with hydration issues) lent itself to the bubble-like, but absolutely beautiful and serene retreat experience I needed.

An honorable mention goes to the VR experience. I was skeptical, as I believe this medicine should be used to bring us closer to nature, but I found it to be very relaxing and a great way for my post-dosing plastic brain to experience a sense of play and wonder.

A million stars for this experience! It was so well-curated, and I couldn’t recommend it enough for anyone feeling stuck, in pain, or needing a reset. While I’m not a completely changed person, I did find the version of myself I have been seeking for a long time.

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As a survivor of child abuse and now suffering from fibromyalgia (plus the chronic migraines and depression that comes along with it), I've tried everything. I knew when the suicidal ideations became more frequent, it was time to think outside the box and reach outside my comfort zone. I had researched psychedelic retreats for awhile but kept returning to Eleusinia as the best option given the level of professionalism and knowledge.

Eleusinia was such a profound, powerful healing experience. I'm overflowing with gratitude toward the team that guided us through the week. Never in my wildest dreams did I think DMT would be thing that could stop my chronic, debilitating migraines in it's tracks! Who knew?! Well, Jessica that's who!

The attention to every detail: the schedule, integration, food, and activities were just perfect. The Eleusinia staff are all-around wonderful humans who really know their stuff. There wasn't a moment I didn't feel safe and supported. The staff was so open, warm and happy to share their own inspirational experiences with us. The lively dinner conversations will stay with me forever. In fact, much of what I found so beneficial about the retreat were the deep, meaningful chats I had with both the staff and the other guests. It really helped me process my psilocybin and DMT experiences, as well as past trauma. I loved that no one took themselves too seriously; there were just as many belly laughs as there were healing tears. The experience was emotionally intense at times but also a lot of fun! I developed such close relationships with the other guests after only a few days. We miss one another already but have connected online and want to plan a future reunion trip (both literally and figuratively 🍄😆).

I think the world would become a better place if more people would open their hearts and minds to plant medicine and I highly recommend Eleusinia to kick-start one's psychedelic journey. I feel such an enormous amount of privilege and gratitude that I got to experience it with a supportive team in a such a magical setting. ❤️

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Simply the best psychedelic retreat imaginable.
I began my psychedelic journey on Google, as I assume most do, and was quickly drawn in by the possibility of help with some deep-rooted and maladaptive mental/emotional issues, as well as chronic pain management. The idea of exploring my consciousness and challenging my existing intellectual precepts was also intriguing. As a natural skeptic with strong materialist leanings, I was afraid the typical psychedelic retreats I was reading about would bog me down with spiritual and mystical baggage that I would find counter-productive. I was excited about neural plasticity and suppressing the Default Mode Network, not chants and spirit-play. Thus my excitement about running across Eleusinia, a “science-based psilocybin retreat” in their own words.

My experience at Eleusinia was extraordinary. Since each person’s journey is unique, I’ll not waste time recounting mine. What I will say is that if you heed the importance of “Set” and “Setting”, this place is beyond compare. Rather than an AirBNB someplace, the Eleusinia campus spreads across some 100 acres of lush, beautiful Mexican rainforest, meaning all sessions were held outdoors in perfect weather. The Eleusinia staff worked with us beforehand to create the proper mindset, and stayed with us as our trips unfolded. I can’t describe how important the staff’s active involvement was during the trips as well as afterwards as we engaged in the integration process. I found it easy to connect with and benefit from the professionals Jess has assembled, and without exception they were dedicated and caring and nurturing.

Accommodations were first-rate….as impressive as the grounds, and the meals were superb. All in all, I can’t imagine any way to improve on the Eleusinia program, and I fully intend to re-visit sometime next year.

Mission & Vision

Founded by a psilocybin patient, Eleusinia is dedicated to providing high quality educational psychedelic retreat experiences geared towards lasting change and psychedelic skills.