About Sacha Runa Allkamari Shamanic Retreat Center

Mission & Vision


ALMOST NOBODY COMES TO BOLIVIA, yet it is the most Indigenous country in South America, has the highest indigenous population and a Native President. It has the most pristine environments, very few tourists and very authentic, sincere and genuine people as well as wonderful healing retreat centers and sacred ceremonies.

There is something very special happening in Bolivia, kept under the radar until now and ready to be shared with the world by the Sacha-Runa Shamanic Healing Community: Sacha Runa team working for more than 30 years serving with Respect, Love, Devotion, Surrender to help people connect to the Light and their inner truth, manifest their potential and fulfill their destiny. Connect to Source, Receive Vision and Wisdom, and Bless All of Creation.

Warriors of the New Time. Intensive Retreats and Trainings. Bolivia Mistica and the Sacha Runa Healing Community offer Healing and Training Retreat (21 days) BOLIVIAN ANDES & AMAZON.

Also ongoing 3, 5, 7, 10 or more day retreats. Guided by Miguel A. Kavlin, Phillip Josey, Angela Muñiz and Juan Macome.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE, COME SUPPORT BOLIVIA. Healing-Retreats, Shamanism, Stunning Locations, Sacred Ceremonies, Exquisite Healers. Heal, Nourish Your Soul, Connect to Source.

Located just 40 minutes from La Paz, at 3,800Mts (13,000ft) above sea -level, Allkamari is located on the Canyon and Lagoon of the Souls, a sacred place to the Aymara inhabitants of the Andean highlands, who come here to offer burnt-offering ceremonies to the imposing Mountain Gods that overlook our Valley, Mount Illimani and Mururata.

We have built our center respecting the sacredness of the place and honoring the energies that surround us, enlisting them for the porpouse of healing, nourishing and welcoming all our guests. 

Our structures are built mostly of locally manufactured adobe in unique vaulted-ceiling designs with passive solar heating, providing a wonderful warm and nourishing atmosphere, perfect for relaxation, inspiration and introspection.

From Allkamari you can access walking or cicling trails(easy, medium and difficult), as well as Inca Trails that cross the Andes into lush semi Tropical Valleys withthe most breathtaking view imaginable!

We are also working with our neighboring Aymara village of Camiraya to help them create a cultural tourism company to ensure an economic future for themselves, while preserving their traditional lifestyle.

We offer:

Passive solar heating.Dormitory style accomodations.Double rooms with private bathrooms.Matrimonial suites.Family cabins.Hot showers.State of the art jacuzzi and sauna.Lovingly prepared national andinternational cuisine.Organic Greenhouse.Incredible views of the Andes.Large Conference and Workshop Center.Tibetan Stupa and Meditation Room.Learn about Aymara cosmology, beliefs and rituals.

Optional Activities:

Trekking: half day, full day and three day.Hiking.Mountain Biking.Horse Back Riding.Andean and Amazonian Shamanic Rituals. Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Sun-Moon Dance. also at jungle camp upriver from Rurrenabaque. You may participate in one ceremony or longer retreats with 3, 5 or 7 ceremonies,usually every other day, or month-long retreats.

Therapies (Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, etc.)Yoga, Tai-Chi, Meditation, etc.

#ShamanicRetreat, #ayahuasca, #wachuma, #SpiritualRetreat, #Bolivia, #DivineLight, #Healing, #shamanicHealing, #Shamanism

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Upcoming Retreats at Sacha Runa Allkamari Shamanic Retreat Center

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
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Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Boutique Eco Resort “Allkamari” is ideal fora retreat.. Its location near the city of La Paz, the exceptional beauty of its landscape, exquisite design of its infrastructure, the tranquility and silence of its surroundings and the powerful energies of the land make any occasion a special one.
Our buildings are finely designed and elaborated using local materials, with the goal of making them comfortable, elegant and fitting for a wonderful visit.
One of the basic concepts behind our structures is energy efficiency and conservation. The buildings made of clay in the La’kauta fashion passively store solar power, which in turn is used to heat our rooms and spaces at night.
The Palca Canyon, \"el Valle de Las Ánimas\" and the Laguna de Las Ánimas, are considered natural monuments by the department of La Paz and therefore there is an effort to protect their geological formations, flora, and fauna.
Boutique Eco Resort “Allkamari” is an experience you won’t want to miss. The beauty, magic and mysticism of our place will ensure you have a peaceful, comfortable and life transforming stay. Read More



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Getting Here


45 minutes from downtown la Paz, just far enough to be quite and peaceful, yet close enough for all the modern conveniences. Nestled between sacred mountains and the Valley and Lagoon of the Souls, this is a unique spot that aymarás every year come to offer burn-offerings to propitiate good health, happiness and well being. The map tells you how to get there. Read More

Customer Reviews

4.89 out of 5.0 average rating

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A beautiful time for the vast majority
Please read the whole of my review or not at all to ensure a fair understanding. I have detailed the issues I had with Don Miguel around money in high detail, as I believe high ethical standards should be adhered to as a shaman and anything otherwise should be exposed. The amazing time I had and the kindness I received until the sad end remain at the forefront of my mind as they constitute the bulk of my experience.

I was planning to do 3 months, taking ayahuasca twice per week and san pedro only once. From the start I found little benefit of the Ayahuasca and much stomach pain. After 7 attempts with this medicine, I still couldn't say I'd experienced anything with much value. This isn't unheard of - unpredictability of the experience for each person is just part and parcel of consuming Ayahuasca. As weeks went by in the jungle with nothing new to process, it was clearly not for me.

I'd paid him $4,500 at the start - obviously this is a high price in the cheapest country in South America when you're eating a very basic shamanic diet for most of the time, but that's fine because you can find Sacha Runa online, you can see the reviews and know that the ceremonies are of a high standard etc. It's a good option for many reasons, many of which I mention at the end of this review, but one of them is that the online presence enables people to see reviews that ensure a safe experience, so it would be a good experience for vulnerable people, especially with mental health issues who cannot afford further problems.

For this reason, I write this review. Don Miguel briefly tried to use his shamanic authority to manipulate me to stay, implying that I shouldn't trust myself by telling me it was my ego running away. At first, I really questioned myself, but when I did make a clear decision he revealed he just cared about keeping my money...

"We had a gentleman's agreement", he said
Don Miguel gives a 44% discount to buy 3-months worth of medicine. Even the pharmaceutical industries that are happy to suppress these powerful medicines and cause the opioid crisis do no hook you in to such long-term commitments to their medicines. Yes, theirs are more addictive, but with free living costs and the greaer expense of these you don't want to waste the thousands of dollars by leaving, so in the sense you are on the hook.

In the end, after stringing me along with hopes of reaching an agreement just after the next ceremony, then the next, he made me a deal such that I spent $3,000 in 3 weeks. Don Miguel was defensive when I asked him for clarification. I simply didn't understand what he meant, but got the cold "No Negotiations". I only found out when he eventually handed me my partial refund. Later, I messaged a previous agreement we'd had of allowing me a 1-month escape option. After saying "if you wanna continue crying and pouting I'm gonna have to block you", he did ask Retreat Guru to give me $400 more dollars off when he'd actually read my message.

Having spoken about Don Miguel's defensiveness, and prioritisation of business revenue, it's as if he was wearing his 'CEO cap' then and during a ceremony he'll put on his 'Shaman cap'. Like the rest of us, he's only human. Don Miguel is in his element during the ceremonies, staying up late playing the most beautiful music, taking great care of you and ensuring safe and very special cermonies especially on my incredible, healing pilgrimage with San Pedro. The locations of the jungle and the mountains are second-to-none, as are the ceremony rooms more specifically.

I am grateful for all the incredible people I had met, the insight into the shamanic tradition and being in the most biodiverse national park in the entire world. I found more effective psychedelics elsewhere - Don Miguel being the only one at the site never to wish me well on my journey to find them.

It's also very importantant to consider the following when giving your money to this organisation. Ayahuasca is a highly valuable medicine that many people need, yet accessing it is difficult for people outside of South America. And there are not enough shamans around, at least not at the level of any of the shamans or apprentices at Sacha Runa. So if you support Sacha Runa, not only do you enable people to easily access these life-giving opportunities via a trusted website, but he promotes a lineage of great people that can provide these highly valuable and under-accessed medicines long after he is gone. For all of this, we can only applaud the work of Don Miguel.

All the shamans and apprentice shamans are incredible, and are so kind and helpful - I emphasise that I have detailed only the negative side of Don Miguel's character, which is only in relation to money, and he was totally different at other times. I really do hope this place continues to thrive. It benefits humanity massively.

To everyone else who is a part of Sacha Runa, I hope you can understand why I decided to write this. I believe it to be true, yet I write it with sorrow.

A message to all prospective users: make sure you agree with Don Miguel in advance to have an escape route - a partial refund - as he will try to win you round to long commitments without informing you that it doesn't work for everybody.

A message to Don Miguel: please show some more respect to the medicine by not making it into a commodity and end this malpractice of locking vulnerable people into long contracts. Read More

The most amazing night full of insights and answers
The very moment I met Miguel he was absolutely wonderful with loving energy beaming out of him. Our circle was beautiful and everyone was there for the most healing journey of their lives. We all sat in a circle on our mats and he explained to us what ayahuasca was and how we should have a intention before embarking on this journey. We all set our intentions, did a quick meditation and drank our first cup of the brew. A bit later we were invited to grab our second cup. Within seconds of my second cup I felt it. The experience was overwhelming with the visuals and music at first but as the night went on I started having amazing visions and communicating with the higher realms. Ayahuasca taught me so much and my journey was beyond profound!! The biggest realization I had was our essence remains the same, our beautiful remains unaltered by our perceived negative experiences and we are perfect. Love is everything and everything is love even the bad that we perceive. I saw my relationships in my life in the clearest light I've ever seen. It was the most surreal, beautiful experience of my existence. Please go on this inner journey to meet your soul you won't regret it???????? thank you so much Miguel and everyone that set up this amazing night for us. Many many blessing ????????????????

Trisha Bondurant Read More

Vision Quest
My experience: I spent in Allkamari 3 weeks in December 2019 dedicated to my personal Vision Quest. All my requests were met with much understanding and loving care: privacy and safety, special diet and Master Plant medicines specific to my health condition, consultations with local shamans (Miguel and Juan), options meeting my personal needs, sacred ceremonies and temazcals (purification rituals), and gradual preparation for Sun and Moon Dance - first time in my life without water, food, and outdoors with elements for 3 nights and days. At the end I felt purified, empowered, solidified, inspired, peaceful, rested and ready to meet a new chapter of my life.

For lovers of the nature: The place is blessed with natural beauty, auspiciously located on energetic lay-lines, so the simple presence at this space vibrates each cell of your being into a high frequency. The Illimani mountain ahead of you, Valley of the Souls all around you, a canyon of mesmerizing beauty calling you for a hike, and a quietness broken only by occasional donkey, sheep, or horse call. Fields, pastures, villagers, llamas, dogs and birds can be your companions. This is a natural bliss of this eco-resort, where you can enjoy private moments, or a great company of friendly hosts, and interesting curious visitors coming here from the whole world. In convenient distance from La Paz and all city’s amenities, you can feel far away from the buzz of our civilization. Still being in safe, clean and comfortable environment of tastefully designed eco cottages, enjoying warm bed, clean water, and freshly prepared food in restaurant with the best view you can possibly imagine!

Food for the Soul: Besides surrounding beauties of Mother Nature, in Allkamari you can enjoy divinity of Peace Sound Chamber serving with sacred ceremonies here for 35 years; next to that is Tibetan Stupa magnifying your prayers and meditations; and traditional temazcal – sweat-lodge, where you return to the womb of Pachamama to connect with the Spirit World and the Ancestors. Such rich combination! In addition, if you are lucky enough and come in December, you can experience Sun and Moon Dance, taking place outdoors on the sacred circular grounds once a year for 3-4 days! There is also enchanting round building - yoga/meditation/celebration gathering place – blessed with beautiful views and lots of natural light. Right next to that is a steep prayer hill, with a cactus garden and “a cosmic acupuncture” wooden statue, where you simply want to be quiet in humble adoration and gratitude for all this plentitude.

All of this combined comes as a sacred geometry of time, space, plants, shamans, sacred sounds and rituals, for the best result of one's own healing journey, healing of humanity, and our collective consciousness on our dear Mother Earth. Whether you come for 3-7-21 days, it is worth-while to give it a chance! Read More

Life changing experience
Meeting Miguel was like meeting a spiritual God, he must be best healer on this planet. He has showed me a beautiful world I never knew it exists. What an out of this world experience.The location was quiet and peaceful with amazing view, located in Valle de Las Animas which certainly has a special energy. I felt safe from the beginning to the end of this incredible spiritual travel and would  advise you to have your own to understand it.  Read More

I found myself
It couldn't be any better, it's hard to put it in words but I really healed... Wounds that were bleeding for years, I can openly say that my experiences we're always incredible with such a powerful and loving guide I found so much true inside of me, I feel so grateful, the last time I've done the ritual felt like a year of resting so so much healing it was like resting my would mind and body inside mother Earth's heart... Like I came from thousands of war years and suddenly I find perfect peace... Perfect rest for the soul the mind... Read More

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