Take a guided hike, delight your young children at a Nature Toddlers Program, bring your dog for a “Zuke’s Dog Hike”, or attend a retreat at the beautifully restored Horseshoe Lodge.
And if rest and relaxation are what you are seeking, come spend the night in a “Nature inspired” bed and breakfast style room; or book your group in our private and semi-private rooms or our newly renovated dorms that sleep 60+. Discover this and more at the beautiful 611-acre Pueblo Mountain Park and Retreat Center, a place for learning, retreating, meeting, recreation, and experiencing the wonders of the natural world.
Yes, your mountain, and your mountain park, are right here in Beulah and just waiting for you to seize your day and join us for a guided hike, so get on your way to Pueblo Mountain Park.
Please register for programs early so we will know you will be attending! If you want to participate in a program, we hope you won’t wait to register. Many people don’t realize that in order to facilitate a program, there are many behind-the-scenes components to making it happen, including scheduling staff and guest speakers/teachers, preparation for the program, and then working with our kitchen to order and plan meals, shop, etc. So please help us by registering early. We will cancel programs that do not meet registration minimums, often 3 – 5 days in advance. Thank you!