Day 1: Meeting of Minds
From mindful exercises to energy meditations, your first day provides a foundation to understand how your energy works and what it needs to not just survive, but to thrive. Surrounded by the serenity and majesty of Sedona Mago’s energy vortexes and lush healing garden, you’ll be able to hear the answers to the questions: “Who am I?” and “How do I want to live my life?” Throughout the retreat you will get to meditate by yourself and in group settings gain new perspectives, and experience the support of community.
Day 2: Connect with Nature
Mindful Principle Session 1
We teach three main ancient energy principles and methods as the foundation for incorporating meditation as a life practice.
Mindful Exercises
Mindful exercises are designed to help you reopen, reactivate, and rebalance all your chakras for a harmonious lifestyle, from the inside out. You’ll get an opportunity to open your body and mind, and awaken your spiritual senses so that you can be in touch with your body’s inner energy.
Onsite Vortex Energy Meditation Part 1
On Sedona Mago’s 173-acres, you’ll find several energy vortexes that beckon you to embrace the beauty and grace found in the stillness of the land. You’ll be able to stop and listen to the winds, distinguish the varying melodic sounds of nature, capture the moments that allow you to look within, and practice the art of letting go. From there you can decide what you wish to bring into your life.
Our bodies are speaking to us all the time. The question is: Are you listening? During this portion of the Sedona Meditation Weekend, you’ll learn the basics of paying attention to your body, connecting with its subtle and, sometimes, loud messages of where energy is blocked, and apply the techniques taught for self-healing.
Day 3: Reflect + Rebuild
Early Morning Session: Sunrise Meditation
Savor the stunning sunrise over Sedona’s Red Rocks, a truly unforgettable and uplifting experience. The magical play of light and shadow will enchant and inspire, setting the perfect tone for your day.
Mindful Principle Session 2
We delve further into the practice of mindful meditation for a deeper understanding of its principles and how they benefit your body, mind, and soul.
Onsite Vortex Energy Meditation Part 2
Embrace the abundant healing energy once more on this guided walk. We’ll explore more vortexes on our 173-acres of land to provide you with more opportunities to disconnect from the outside and reconnect to what is happening within you in your personal journey.
Day 4: New Beginnings
New Beginnings
Take the time to reflect on what you’ve learned, the tools you’ve received and how far you’ve grown in just four days.
Early Morning Session: Sunrise Meditation
At the break of dawn, your experience of the Sedona Meditation Weekend comes to a close with the rising sun. This final morning meditation prepares you to bring your practices from the retreat into your everyday life.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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