Join this one-of-a-kind intimate retreat with a maximum of 8 participants, and become One with All that Is. This Entheogen invites you on the path of uncovering Truth. The Truth about the Soul, Cosmos, and Nature. The ancient art of alchemy was the search for spirit in matter. We invite you to use alchemy as a way of deepening your own relationship with the sacred dimension of life.
Our love for this entheogen has grown from the understanding that this is one of the most profound source of healing energy in the natural world. The secretions of the Sonoran Desert toad ― 5-MeO-DMT, the God molecule. 5-MeO-DMT is one of the most potent entheogens you can consume, and the experience can be intense and powerful—in both beautifying and challenging ways. In our retreats, everyone will undergo a unique and individual experience.
This retreat program is created by the founder Natasja Pelgrom, she has built this very bespoke boutique container for individuals to partake in a ceremonial ritual to experience a total reset. This is most significantly a holistic reset that allows for a deep release of destructive emotional and mental patterns, as well as an influx of life force that is both inspirational and healing. Partaking in this retreat program can potentially be a life-changing experience of immense significance.
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