We speak English, german and spanish.
First things first:
You have to understand that dieting plants and to get healing with Ayahuasca is not a vacation. It can be tough to face the darkness that prevents us from having the happy life of our dreams. To face this darkness can be real adults work that takes courage! One has to be willing to leave the own comfort zone.
This can especially be tough, while adjusting to the conditions of the jungle (heat, Moskitos, simple infrastructure).
We do our best to help you with your adjustment to the jungle. We know from experience how to help you.
To mention a few things regarding that:
-Every meal gets cooked freshly,
-Filtered drinking water bought from professional places,
-Providing a Moskitonet for you bed,
-We help you to be save in the Pucallpa area, until you know your ways around.
Do you understand that other countries have other manners? Are you able to do what it takes to step out of your own comfortzone?
I.E. you will wash yourself with the water you have pulled by yourself out of the well. Also there is very little electricity.
Can you handle that?
If yes, there will be the nessecary attention so that you can get your healing and a freshly made bed waiting for you in Centro Yacuruna plantas medicinales.
About the center:
The center Yacuruna plantas medicinales was founded by Amer on the family property. Only for the past 3-4 years the center recieved the first foreigners. I.E. Americans, Germans, Austrians.
Before that for many years the place was frequently visited by Peruvians, Brasilians and people from villages in the area.
The term "traditonal Shipibo retreat experience" is a well used term in the industry. In the past, like 50 years ago, this meant the Maestro, his apprentice and the client had the ceremony in the same room, where the wife and the five children of the Maestro where sleeping in. This can still be common in the villages on the Ucayali river.
In Maestro Amers case the place has grown from that to what it is today with several private casas, a dedicated ceremonial room and a kitchen house.
In the center the family members have their own private accommodation. But the place is as traditional as it can be. Several generations are around. And the family members will help you in a very friendly way with your needs. You will life in a family environment while staying at the center.
With this event you can diet masterplants.
The purpose can be to get healing. Or to learn with the plants.
This is flexible. And we tailor the program to your needs.
The schedule is based on your arrival. We do ceremonies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Depending on your arrival day, the schedule could be as follows:
It will be good, if you can be there in the morning on the first day.
-Day 1: Private consultations about your needs regarding healing. Mapacho Purge and 1st ceremony.
-Day 2: Resting and settling in. Socializing.
-Day 3: 1st day of diet by taking the prepared plant medicine in the morning.
You will diet for 15 days. Within that time you will not eat salt, sugar, grease, fat, oil. You will not have sexual actions or socialize much with people. With this you will give a sacrifice to get the plant energies in return. Theese energies will help you in your healing. Having good discipline in the diet will give you better results.
In that dieting time, ceremonies happen regularly.
-Day 17: Last day of diet and 8th ceremony. The schedule is done in a way so that the last day of diet and a ceremony are on the same day. This can give very strong visions.
-Day 18: Break of diet in the morning.
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