Forest Path Ayahuasca Ceremony in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

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Casa Floresta, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
December 27 - 29, 2025

Retreat Highlights

  • We offer our signature ceremonies to serve as a ground for healing, learning, illumination and transformation.
  • We have hosted and guided these rituals for several years and served thousands of glasses of sacrament to people from all walks of life. With this type of work, it is important for everyone involved to always seek to uphold a high standard of integrity, safety and awareness with regards to the individual and the community at large.
  • We take care in all areas we see fit and encourage those looking for an experience to look a little deeper as it is not always enough to seek peak experiences or quick fixes. Ours is a humble path of the Forest and of the heart. Our temple is one of deep prayer, communion and contemplation. People who work with us come to study and learn the path or simply to receive the work that is done. We encourage individuals to be well informed, in good health and equipped with some basic meditation and awareness practices before navigating these spaces with us.
  • Learn more here:

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

We are honored to invite our dear sisters and mentors Letizia Xiuh & Shahaf Schvarzman to join us in leading an Ayahuasca ceremonies in our temple once more. This is a unique opportunity to sit with masters musicians, and be held deeply in the sacred feminine.
These ceremonies are distinct from Forest Path Ceremonies, Leti holds the ceremony in the Shipibo-Mestizo style; in the dark for the whole night.
Letizia has been living and sharing her medicine magic in the Sacred Valley of Peru for almost a decade. A Medicine Woman by blood, she holds 5th generation native medicine lineage from the North of Peru and has sat in and held over a thousand ceremonies.
The first three years of her path with medicine were alongside the Colombian traditions, with tribes from the Putumayo such as Kamentza, Yanacuna, and Cofan. Parallel to her studies with these tribes she went through initiations with Venezuelan tribes that work with master plants such as Yopo.
Grandfather Bolivar, leader of the Piaroa tribes from Amazonas, guided her as she lived with them for two months on their land, working, studying, and receiving their knowledge. Her first plant dieta with these tribes was Dada. This dieta is considered the initiation for those that are setting their path towards servants of the medicine and space holding. After 4 years of intense and disciplined work Letizia moved to Peru. Her previous work and connection with the plants and medicine space allowed her to connect and immediately start to work under the wing of Diego Palma, creator of Sacred Valley Tribe, a center with more than 20 years serving and holding space for the work with master plants. She devoted her path to this work along with the continuation of her studies through several dietas.
She went through initiations and self-healing with plants as Chuchuhuasi, Uña de Gato, Chiric Sanango, Ajo Sacha y Renaquilla. In addition, Letizia made a commitment to the work of Mexican tribes such as Huicholes, taking the responsibility to work with grandfather Peyote as a way to keep studying and receiving guidance through her medicine path. Letizia keeps training, studying, and learning from all the medicine paths and keeps her commitment to the discipline and presence that’s required to hold space from the work with medicine as well as different ceremonies related to the Moon Dance, Red Road, and Master Plants circles.
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Getting Here

Location icon Forest Path, Casa Floresta, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala


Sleeping in the temple.

2 Nights Ceremony + Meals + Temple Sleeping Read More
2 Nights Ceremony + Meals + Private Cabin Read More

Venue & Amenities

The recently built Casa Floresta is directly on Lake Atitlan in Pasajcap, between San Marcos la Laguna and Tzununa. This is the home of the Forest Path Temple where Sound Ceremony courses and Forest Path ceremonies are held exclusively in Guatemala. With lake access in a clean and quiet private bay for swimming, Casa Floresta is a beautiful space conducive for the transformational work. Read More


Menu Types

What's Included

  • Ayahuasca ceremony and integration meal.

What's Not Included

  • Airport transfer, airfare etc.
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Customer Reviews

4.88 out of 5.0 average rating

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Intimate and skilled
Space was held so skillfully and beautifully. Amazing energy from everyone, a pleasure to sit/sing with all. Read More

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Life changing Retreat
From the time of arrival to the end of the four day immersion the beautiful Forest Path team led by Jaya and Hayley ,guided and supported the attendees to ensure we were safe and informed to confidently recieve the gift of learning that we so needed. The ecletic group of people from the four corners of the world embraced the experience and the personal interactions were truly uplifting to us all, me especially, thank you very much.
The food was amazing. nourishing and well balanced , ensuring the group felt strong to pursue their individual journeys for the entirety of the retreat.
Everyday was different, stimulating ourselves to work towards our own outcomes.
Integration day was a very unique experience abundant food, great conversations, yoga, massages, sauna,singing, swimming and most of all smiles , love and laughter.
This has been the best week of growth and learning i could have wished for.
Thank you so much for the honour to attend and be with such a wonderful group of people. The entire Forest Path team nutured us all, i feel an inner peace that is indescribable. You are very special. A bright light shines within me that i did not have before meeting you all. Read More

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Incredible to say the least!
This was my first time sitting with aya and I can not even begin to explain how incredible it was for me. This retreat absolutely exceeded my expectations. The guides are fully involved and supportive throughout the full experience during and after each ceremony. The community, the food, the team, and the whole stay was honestly unbelievable. I feel grateful to have learned all that I did and to gained so much clarity that I will be able to integrate into my life going forward. Thank you to Jaya and Hayley for opening up your home to allow people to grow in such a beautiful, powerful way. Read More

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Aya ceremony @ Casa Floresta
I’ve participated in and hosted many Aya ceremonies but the depth, integrity and beauty of my ceremony was unmistakably the very best ceremony of my life. The purity and beauty of the medicine holder and her team was life-changing, coupled with the profound temple space at Casa Floresta made for a synergy that was deeply healing and elevating. Read More

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Feeling hope
It has been a lot to live in this world at this time. It's easy to lose hope and feel like there is more wrong than there is right. I have felt called to deepen my spiritual practices and to strengthen my sense of truth so that I can be more resourced for others, and last weekend's retreat was EXACTLY what I needed! I am feeling reset; more centered, and more able to be in my joy. I feel doors opening and soul family growing. There is so much hope! Grateful beyond words for this experience. Read More

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