Hosted by Root of the Gods.
Over 7 days we will be journeying into the mountains of Oaxaca to have the honour to sit with Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro, a Mazateca healer and direct successor of the great María Sabina for 3 ceremonies with the mushroom guide traditionally known as Teonancatl over the 7 day collective journey. This incredible experience will allow us to journey with the mushroom medicine and it's incredible benefits with some of the most experienced mushroom guides in the world, calling in the spirit of Teonancatl to guide us through our collective healing process.
This rare and precious retreat we will experience a full mushroom healing dieta with the prestegious medicine woman and Mazatec healer Doña Eugenia Casimiro and her team. Eugenia is one of the few healers in the world who is carrying this healing tradition of working with mushrooms or 'Los Niños Santos' through direct line, being a student and friend of the famed Maria Sabina.
Mazatecas have been using this medicine for thousands of years for its medicinal, curative benefits whilst also seeing it as a path to access and communicate with the divine wisdom within other realms of the universe. We will spend this week with them on that journey, in their trusted hands we will be guided to explore our own connection with consciousness and strengthen that relationship for our own path of healing.
Modern research being done is drawing the same conclusions and proving what Eugenias family have known all along, recent scientific research finds that pscylocibin therapy may provide long lasting benefits for;
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Lessened Fear of Death
Increased Creativity
Enhanced Empathy
Deeper Connection with all Living Things
Process Trauma
Fresh Perspective
Heightened Feelings of Gratitude
Feeling that "Everything will be just fine"
We are absolutely BLESSED to be working with such knowledgeable healers in such a time of change.
A pivotal moment where the modern world is also waking up to the powerful benefits of this natural plant medicine and how impactful it can be on peoples lives.
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