I benefited greatly from this experience. This was my first time participating in this type of healing. I followed the
prep directions fairly well. I had made some life decisions and to participate needed to stop taking my daily SSRI's (2012), not as easy as US medical people tell you is when you start on them. Next was to stop drinking at least 3 weeks prior to retreat. Both of these came about through a devastating loss in 2012. My last drink was November 16th. This was also rough as I was a daily evening drinker for some time and typically one bottle per 5-7 days. (1.75 of Stoli). Heading into the retreat I was still having to battle triggers. Needless to say what one of my intensions was. The other was my breathing issue that the SSRI's had basically hidden from me since being on them. that had come back and without relief I would very likely have to go back on them.
So as of today January 29th I do not have triggers, the "pull" to drink, the taste for an ice cold one... My breathing had improved and continues too and will not be going back to SSRI's. I deal with chronic pain from injury's and auto immune disease. Yes, I will be returning to address these issues as well.
For me each of these Ceremony's had a part in my healing.
Kamboo - was my roughest, gracias leader.
Temezcal - gracias Jorge and the four doors
Ayahuasca - gracias Shaman for making it clear I was to do the work and you were here to guide me. (the work was difficult but rewarding)
Bufo - gracias Sara, this for me was the most joyful experience of them.
Sound healing and yoga - gracias Sofi
Gracias La Hacienda you are a "Casa del Amor".
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