SUNDAY: Go to Riosbo center and settle in. The trip from Iquitos takes about 2 hours and includes a gorgeous boat ride.
MONDAY: Wake up to a morning yoga class and then have a discussion on ceremony procedure. CEREMONY #1
TUESDAY: Digestive system cleanse with Sangre de Grado. Private consultations with the curandero. Dieta discussion.
WEDNESDAY: Begin the plant dieta with a two day fast. Talk on plant consciousness/communication. CEREMONY #2
THURSDAY: First day of fast. Mapacho and agua florida soplaying workshop. Introduction to mindfulness meditation.
FRIDAY: Second day of fast. Ceremony preparation workshop. CEREMONY #3
SATURDAY: Vapor baths begin. Workshop on Shipibo healing songs called Icaros. Evening guided meditation session.
SUNDAY: Continue vapor baths. Icaros workshop. CEREMONY #4
MONDAY: Continue vapor baths. Counseling sessions continue. Vision navigation discussion. Guided meditation.
TUESDAY: Continue vapor baths. Counseling sessions continue. Soplaying/Prayer/Icaros discussion. CEREMONY #5
WEDNESDAY: Continue vapor baths. Counseling sessions continue. Forgiveness workshop. Guided meditation.
THURSDAY: Final vapor baths. Rest and relax, swimming. CEREMONY #6
FRIDAY: Nervous system cleanse with Chiric Sanango. Icaros workshop. Watch a film in the evening or meditate.
SATURDAY: Plant baths begin. Sinus system cleanse with mucura. Plant spirit guidance discussion. CEREMONY #7
SUNDAY: Baths continue. Private consultations/review with the curandero and facilitators. Relax and enjoy the jungle.
MONDAY: Baths continue. Chi Gong session. CEREMONY #8
TUESDAY: Baths continue. Counseling sessions continue. Plant remedies and preparation/administration discussion
WEDNESDAY: Smoke baths begin. Counseling sessions continue. Chi Gong session. Meditation. CEREMONY #9
THURSDAY: Smoke baths continue. Counseling sessions continue. Integration discussion and planning workshop.
FRIDAY: Smoke baths continue. Plant remedies workshop – adaptogens and immune system. CEREMONY #10
SATURDAY: Take a hike into the deep jungle. Language of the plants lecture.
SUNDAY: Love baths begin. Personal work on areas that need attention. Chi Gong. Meditation. CEREMONY #11
MONDAY: Love baths continue. Practice the dieta ending dance and icaro. Integration workshop and discussion.
TUESDAY: Love baths continue. Final ceremony of the course. Receive protective arcanas. CEREMONY #12
WEDNESDAY: Dieta ends with a sacred ceremony. Enjoy delicious food, swim in the river. Evening celebration.
THURSDAY: Review with curandero and assistant healers. Spend one last day relaxing, taking pictures, and packing.
FRIDAY: Head back to town and spend the night in Iquitos. Shopping at plant market, and artisan markets.
SATURDAY: Meet for breakfast. Receive USBs. Say your goodbyes…
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change