Bhakti and Music
Bhakti yoga is a natural path for those who are dominantly seeking emotional fulfillment, and desire to convert worldly emotions into Divine devotion. The devotee visualizes the Lord sitting or standing before him/her. He/she pours out her heart’s love, adoration, and shares his/her deepest thoughts and concerns with the Lord until a continuous flow of awareness moves between devotee and his/her beloved Lord. This continuous flow of love brings about a a close relationship with God and culminates in Divine Union in which the worshiper and that which is worshiped become One.
“Kirtan is singing of God’s name, with feeling. Such singing has a benign effect on both the physical and subtle bodies. It is an excellent method of soothing the nerves and directing the emotions to a positive goal. Kirtan melts the heart, fills the mind with purity and generates harmony and divine love. The chanting of Sanskrit kirtan, even when mechanically done, produces certain effects. When done with devotion, and awareness of the meaning, its benefits are immeasureable.” – Swami Sivananda
Daily Schedule
6-7:30am Satsang: Silent meditation, chanting and lecture
8-10am Yoga Class
10am Brunch
11am Karma Yoga
1-2:30pm Kirtan Workshop
2:30-4pm Free Time and Nature walks
4-6pm Open Yoga Class
6pm Dinner
7:30-9pm Satsang: meditation, chanting and lecture
There are no prerequisites other than a sincere desire to learn classical yoga.
Course Material
"Kirtan Book" by Sivananda Yoga Farm
"Selfless Love" by Swami Sitaramananda
Reference Materials
YouTube - Jaya Ganesha Daily Chants with Swami Sitaramananda
YouTube -The power of Love & Devotion by Swami Ramananda
Article - Seven Practices to learn how to Love
Article - Yoga of Relationships: The way to Selfless Love
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