Embark on a truly life-changing experience. Maestra Siriani, Txána Sián, and Txána Siriani come all the way from Acre, Brazil. An immersive journey of awakening your truth. guided by masters who bring the force of the Floresta. Their ceremonies are held in deep reverence to all that is sacred, with so much compassionate love.
During this transformative retreat, you will receive three medicine ceremonies: Sananga and Rapeh, led by Maestra Siriani.
Practices of Kundalini Yoga, Movement as medicine, Water ceremony, and a Shamanic ancestral healing journey, Sound healing, chanting, and voice activations, as well as three integration sessions, all led by Ayanibu.
With joyous hearts overflowing in gratitude, we are thrilled to welcome them in Spain once more. Along with the sacred medicines they share their wisdom which they transmit through activations, prayer, song, and icaros that allow for a life-changing experience and deep soul remembrance. The Icaros are prayers, transmissions that move blockages, allowing for more flow of vital energy, joy, and more love.
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