The British Transpersonal Association is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the beneficial effects of consciousness expansion experiences.
During the psychedelic retreat application phase, we conduct a thorough pre-screening process through an in-depth questionnaire. We also arrange for online 1:1 meeting to provide information and answer questions, and then also meet as a whole group for everyone to begin to get to know each other.
On arrival in Amsterdam, we meet at a central point and then travel to the accommodation together. The evening is spent in community, getting to know each other more, discussing any anxieties and talking about the schedule of the following days.
The first full day of the retreat is spent doing yoga, breathwork, artwork, and learning about how the plant medicine works in our body and on our mind. The facilitators will advise participants on how to respond to challenging experiences. Gentle intentions are set for the next day.
The morning of the ceremony is spent in preparation. Just before mid-day, the participants begin the tea-making process which contains the psilocybin. Around five hours later, once the effects of the plant medicine have subsided, delicious snacks are served and participants have the opportunity to write about their experience.
The final full day of the retreat is spent in quiet reflection, writing exercises, and discussion of the experience, and advice on how to move back into the world.
The fifth day is travel day. The group has now bonded in community, and with love and compassion we go our separate ways.
But, we soon meet again online a week later to explore feelings and emotions about how the onging effects of the experience.
Post integration meetings occur two weeks later, then a month later. There is also a monthly meeting which includes past and future participants which provides deep and rich conversation.
For more information about us, please visit our website:
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