Kuntanawa Live Concert and Fundraiser - featuring a Sacred Hape Circle and Art Market

5.005 reviews
Location icon
819 SE Taylor St, Portland, OR 97214, USA
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Up to 33 in group
September 26, 2024

Retreat Highlights

  • Grandmother Tea
  • Hapé
  • Sananga
  • Genipapo Body Painting
  • Kambo
  • Healing Baths at the Sacred Fountain in the Amazon
  • Teachings & Ancestral Trainings
  • Forest Exploration
  • Medicine Making
  • Ceremony

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat



*Event Schedule: Healing Retreat*

*Thursday, February 21:*
- Arrival/Settling in: 4-6pm (Genipapo body painting available for those who choose this option during registration)
- 6pm: Dinner
- 7pm-10pm: Orientation and class featuring the introduction and teachings of Hape, Sananga, and ancestral wisdom

*Friday, February 22:*
- 8am: Morning Kambo session for those opting in
- 9am: Breakfast and free time
- 2pm-4pm: Continued Genipapo painting
- 7pm: Ceremony with Grandmother tea

*Saturday, February 23:*
- 9am-11am: Breakfast
- 1pm-3pm: Orientation and teachings
- 8pm: Ceremony with Grandmother tea

*Sunday, February 24:*
- 8am-9am: Breakfast
- 10am: Departure

Note: Schedule subject to change. Please be punctual and open to the transformative experiences that lie ahead.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Kuntanawa Nation, 819 SE Taylor St, Portland, OR 97214, USA


Final destination before heading to the Kuntanawa is Cruzeiro Do Sol. All travel arrangements from Cruzeiro do Sol to Kuntanawa are included and will be scheduled for the group to travel together. Once you arrive to CZS, the day before the event, you will be picked up and taken to the airport to fly to the Kuntanawa and then a boat ride the rest of the way until you arrive to Kuntanawa Nation.


Most US Venues offer communal sleeping accommodations or upgrade options for a shared or private room. Amazon Village Retreats offer hammock rental for indoor communal sleeping space or private/shared room upgrades with beds.

Program Price

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Kuntanawa Village Retreats in the Amazon of Acre, Brazil
US Tour Retreats in various locations across the US



Menu Types

A variety of traditional food made by the tribe and native to the land for Amazon Retreats. US Tours offer delicious, healthy and nourishing dieta friendly foods. We offer gluten free & vegan options.

What's Included

  • Meals
  • Plant Medicine Ceremony
  • Teachings & Ancestral Trainings
  • Travel from Cruzeiro do Sol to Kuntanawa (private plane & boat)
  • Airport pickup & drop-off in Cruzeiro
  • And More...

What's Not Included

  • Airfare to Cruzeiro do Sol
  • Airfare/Travel to US Tour Destinations

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Thank you
Thank you so much for helping to educate and spread the message that is so needed in our world today. I appreciate your honesty and your dedication to helping unite all of us as humans and heal this earth. I loved the medicine and music and connection and look forward to learning more about how to bring medicine to those in my community

Shana Peña
Founder | The Healing Collectiva
Scottsdale, Arizona

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Ultimate Gift
It is difficult to convey the significance and importance of this experience -process- and gift.
After witnessing just how personal of an experience the medicine gives each of us, it is difficult to argue whether or not a higher power is at the wheel, or at least, guiding your hands. The best advice was to Trust that it will do just that.. steer you back on the path to the journey meant for you.

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Life Changjng
I’m a veteran with severe PTSD. This ceremony healed me in levels that western medicine was not. They are the real deal.

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Genuine life changing experience
From start to finish, this retreat with Haru and Hyra was outstanding quality, care and guidance. The love I experienced was not expected, but always present during the entire event. The team was attentive,kind and professional. As for my personal transformation, it is still integrating into my consciousness. The healing and upgrade I experienced was profound. I would recommend this experience to anyone who would like to discover themselves in a deeper and meaningful way. Haru is a masterful leader,and is a true Medicine Man representing melinia of ancestral ceremony based in Amazon Forest knowledge that can be experienced by participants. He and his wife are true royals of the the ancient Bloodlines blessed by the legendary Queen of the Amazon. After experiencing them for 3 days I believe they will be remembered as legendary leaders in the upgrade Humanity has called for. Eternal Gratitude for this opportunity!

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So Beautiful
Thank you so much for this life changing experience. It was incredibly insightful, magical and connective. I loved getting to know more about the Amazon and what its offerings are. The connections made will be with me forever.

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