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Inka Medicine Wheel South

Open Dates

Retreat Highlights

  • Heal 3 negative stories that holds you in the past. Learn the wisdom teachings of the South direction. Guided meditations and shamanic journeys. Soul Retrieval to get a power animal. Earth and fire ceremonies. Shamanic initiations that highlight your energy body.
  • Practical shamanic instructions to live in the sacred dimension of life.
  • Come in harmony with your Earthly core.

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

The Inka Medicine Wheel Mentorship is a personal shaman training in the wisdom teachings of the Andes. It is a magical healing journey around the four directions where you weave together the spiritual and the physical dimension of your world from a holistic perspective with everything in life.

It is about spiritual awareness, healing, tracking = to see beyond illusions, to get in touch with the soul's dream, to become a visionary... To name a few of the gifts of the Inka Medicine Wheel.

The first direction in the Wheel is South, the place of the Healer and summer season. Here you receive beautiful healing sessions in the wisdom teachings to reclaim your space in to the garden of life. South is about living in abundance, health and vitality!

The feedback I get from students in this direction is, Life changing! When healing light enters your being and the old falls away, you feel younger and much more alive. From this place of renewal, new dreams are born!

You are invited to join me for special summer price until July 31st. with no obligation to continue around the Medicine wheel. It is a a 3-month program of 6 sessions a´2 hours with me as a mentor. Before each session you have preparation material and integration practices between our meetings on Zoom.

Here is more details on South direction - The Healer.
What story are you living?

In this first step you learn the foundational principles in Shamanic Energy Medicine. We look at what story you are living and how you construct your life based on past experiences. This work process includes the whole container of how you hold yourself in the physical world. This brings awareness to what need to be shifted in the energetic to transform how you create reality.

The South direction is about the archetype of the power animal Serpent. You learn to shed the past like she sheds her own skin by leaving the old stories behind that no longer serve your growth. You dive deep into your personal healing, learning that life is movement, renewal, and rejuvenation. In this process you start to create your own altar of Medicine stones which becomes your sacred space of dreams and visions.

South class includes four Andean initiations to strengthen your energy with the elements of nature, open your intuitive vision, get into an energetically close relationship with the shaman's archetypes, and through ceremony create your altar of healing stones.

Welcome to a magical personal journey of self-discovery in a beautiful healing space!
Please send me a message if you have any questions, and we book a meeting to talk more of how the South of the Wheel can serve you.


We begin each 2 hour session with sharing and meditation to set the energy of the meeting. Then we dive in the topic of the day with healing processes and wisdom teachings to empower your spiritual growth and dreams. We close each time in ceremony and initiation.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

What's Included

  • *In-depth material to practice based on South direction of the Medicine Wheel and its wisdom that strengthens the relationship with mysticism and your knowledge of Shamanic Energy Medicine.

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