Powerful half day retreat during which you get in touch with your emotions and the messages the emotions are trying to send you.
This is very eye opening, empowering and transformative.
You will be introduced to the world of emotions and their messages before being led through a series of movement and dance exercises to connect with your inner world and most dominant emotion at this time. From here you will transition over into the creative part where you will express these emotions on a canvas. You are invited to freely express yourself using the painting materials and your hands & feet.
No prior experience is needed.
This retreat can also be made more specific by pairing two opposing emotions and exploring these, e.g. love & anger, sadness & joy.
• Liberating your emotions and expressing them freely
• Expressing what you feel inside
• Connecting with that joy and love within you
• Exploring the possibilities that lie dormant inside of you - deep in your soul - and with the help of the paint and music setting these free
• Finding lightness within & feeling motivated as well as highly energized
• Connecting with the body & enhancing relationship with it
• Getting out of the mind and calming it
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