Ctra de Andratx nº 43, Local 12, Planta Jardín - Parking 07181 Portals Nous, Mallorca, Spain
Up to 2 in group
Open Dates
About this Retreat
In short: I am a dancing mermaid with a shining smile as my trademark.
As a trained Embodiment Coach, I use body movement, posture, mindfulness, conscious connected breathing and Reiki to facilitate positive change. My aim is to get you out of your head and drop into and connect with your body & heart to find the answers within and experience lasting shifts.
Already early on in my own self-growth journey, I noticed that the key element to truly change your life with lasting results is to integrate movement and intuitive dancing, hence the body, into your practice. This allows you to connect on a body, mind & soul level and have a truly holistic approach to your wellbeing with lasting effects.
Details of this retreat
This retreat introduces you to the world of vision boards and the power they have.
It’s a combination of moving meditation to get out of your head and drop into your body where you will connect with your heart. From here you will be led through a series of moving exercises to identify your 3-5 core emotions of how you wish to feel on a daily basis before starting to craft your vision board.
This workshop uses the principle “From the inside out instead of from the outside in.” and will provide you with an empowering and photographic reminder of your heart’s and soul’s desire of how you truly envision to live your life.
Vision boards can be crafted at any time of the year.
• daily visual reminder of how you want to feel
• improved decision making in all areas of life
• strong connection to body & heart
• enhanced wellbeing
• feeling centered
• leading & living life from the heart
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