
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

From an early age, a profound curiosity about life's meaning took root as the world unfolded before eager eyes. This inner quest deepened through a transformative near-death experience, forging a powerful connection to the mysteries of existence. Guided by this awakening, the journey led to an academic path, obtaining a degree in psychology, and a heartfelt exploration of Eastern philosophies.

The connection to the Dao came from the most unlikely places: years of doing hard core software development within the UNIX environment and delving deep into digital security. In this sea of information overload 'claircognizance' emerged and quickly spread to other fields of knowing.

Guided by an unwavering passion for psychology and an ever-evolving world, he embarked on a personal retreat into his own ashram, seeking profound clarity. Meet Michael, a teacher who effortlessly bridges the realms of the left brain and the right brain. His teachings are characterized by a fusion of claircognizance, psychology, and common sense. Every piece of information he imparts is actionable, and his insights are tailored to equip you with the necessary tools to navigate this world with grace and ease.

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