Madhur Anand

About the Teacher

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Body-Mind Coach, Madhur Anand, is Founder of Moodforest and Co-founder of Sehatvan. He is a Visiting Scholar at Amsterdam University (Research Institute of Child Development & Education) and is carrying out 'Green Mind Study' investigating the impact of wilderness on human cognition and wellbeing under supervision of Prof. Geertjan Overbeek. On the basis of the preliminary outcomes of the study he has developed 'Bio-Happiness Module'. More about his thoughts on this are published on Sehatvan's and Moodforest's YouTube channels: and he is also active on LinkedIn

Madhur holds MA in Clinical Psychology and BA (Hons.) in Organizational Psychology and he has also participated in Khoji Program at Swaraj University (Youth Leadership and Green Entrepreneurship). In Aug 2023 he spoke about his idea of Bio-Happiness at an AI conference convened in Luxembourg. Read More

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