Tata Mundo

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Almost 20 years on a long and twisted path of exploration of magic, primordial beliefs, traditional cultures, shamanism and spirituality of the world. From Rastafarian camps in Jamaica, voodoo in Haiti and Africa, desert traditions of healing with trance, in Maghreb, Ethiopia, Pakistan, shamanism of Mongolia, Africa, Pakistan, mysticism of Indian subcontinent, transformative Sufi rites on three continents, Bwiti initiation in Cameroon, finally culminating in Amazon and Andes, learning its traditional medicine, sampling various sources of knowledge of the world and inspiration, understanding of self and bringing others safely through paths scouted before. Worked with shamans in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, gringos, mestizos and tribes : Shipibo, Siona, Cofan, Tsachilas, Kamsa, Achuar, Kichwa, Witoto.Traveler, journalist, guide, practitioner. Founder and leader of medicinal camp in the jungle of northern Peru, place where patients from all around the world come seeking solutions to their problems. Specializes in entheogenic plants used in the local tradition. Primal, ancient shamanism reinterpreted through body, breath and own, unique experience for the moment of NOW, improvisation, syncretism, song woven continually, rooted in ancient past and in various cultures with fruits here and for each case individually. Read More

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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Full of knowledge and wisdom
If it wasn't for Tata Mundo I would have almost quit in the middle of the 10 days. Whilst I felt I got everything I needed after the second ceremony, my 'ego' (for lack of a better word) told me I had enough as the experience was intense and at times frightening. However Tata encouraged me to stay the course and this gave me the strength to continue on for which I gained even more insights into my life than I could have imagined. Incredibly blessed to have such a person leading the retreat. He shows genuine love and care for all the participants. Read More

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Super sincere, trustworthy and well grounded person!
I’m super happy to meet with Tata! He’s a very well grounded, open minded, trustworthy, sincere-direct and supportive person for anyone who is ready to take such a deep & challenging journey to his / her inner-self. Whole program and each steps have been very well designed & implemented and his approach definitely helps & encourages you during your self-journey.
Batuhan Read More

Sweet and Kind
Sweet and kind. Another type of experience. If you want something real this is the place. No stories but facts. Read More

10 amazing days in Psychonauta with Mundo
I was recommended this place by a friend and I am happy I came by. The place itself is very easily and nicely made to help you connect with the jungle. All the houses for guest are all located far from each other surrounded by a jungle so no one bothers you what feels like you are there completely alone and you can be enjoying the sounds of the jungle 24/7. Regarding the ceremonies I have had they all were very well guided by Mundo who is very skilled and knowledgeable. It was sometimes a bit scary but that is a part of it. Everytime I had harder moments there was always someone to help and guide me through them. If you look to work with a medicine I can only recommend this place!!! Enjoy your journey! Read More

Highly recommend the online connection with Tata Mundo
Have you ever wanted a deeper connection to source, a purpose that enhances your life in these unpredictable times, to go and participate in an ayahuasca experience but haven't yet been able to, START RIGHT HERE WITH AN ONLINE CONNECTION WITH Tata Mundo YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
Spirit has nudged me for quite a while in making a move to something deeper, more purposeful, but life moves one along in this race, where we can simply continue patterns on the cost of time, counting the month's or years with no real acknowledgement of the true inner urges.
I sincerely feel honored and grateful having had the opportunity to connect with Tata Mundo.
For me it has been the "Initiation", the beginning of the true inner dialogue of intent, precisely listening to this inner urge of wanting change, "needing" a change really, reflecting on the patterns that brought me to this place right here and honestly committing to letting go of needing to control the outcome.
I am grateful to Tata Mundo, for his wisdom, insight and guidance in looking at the vast contrast's of conditioned patterns that we in western society so often are not aware of. Needing answers, contracting our bodies and minds and then wondering why we develop or struggle with dis-ease.
Tata Mundo allowed insight into relaxing into the gradual work of intention, not needing to necessarily have the answers to all questions. Rather allowing it to be like a dance, like striving-releasing with Love, not demanding, not defending, believing the moment, trusting more, knowing that we all do our best, now. Tata also allowed the insight that we are truly each other's teachers, and realizing that we continuously learn from each other if we only allow it. This is such a beautiful way in crystallizing pattern's, slowly allowing them to come to the surface, without judgment, accepting the flaws and simply seeing the conditions as seasons of change as nature shows us so well.
An inhale and exhale, simply being kind to oneself during this process, training our mind to disappear and allowing Source to surface, while sharing love and compassion in times of uncertainty.
I am grateful to Tata Mundo for his wisdom, sincerity and authenticity.
May I get the privilege in sharing ceremony with Psychonauta Foundation community in Peru one day.
Meanwhile, the dance will continue, knowing that "Life is full of peaks and Valley's learning to find the beauty in both.
Love always. Read More