Sarah says, "Hello beautiful souls! I just completed a 7 day Mama Ayahuasca Retreat from Sept.28-Oct.5th! My life will NEVER BE THE SAME! Reunion has created such a SAFE Space and Environment, from the food, to the atmosphere, to the people who literally LOVE WHAT THEY DO! Which is literally “WALK YOU BACK HOME TO YOURSELF”! If your looking for a deep and raw healing from the inside out, than Reunions Ayahuasca’s Retreat is the way to go! The support and love you will experience here is truly priceless! The Shaman and everyone here truly care about you and your wellbeing." See more
Anonymous says, "Wow What a refreshing plant medicine guide and teacher. I don’t think you could find anyone as authentic and caring as Nikki. What a great human. She’s a warrior, coach and care giver wrapped into one." See more
Gaya says, "a place that was created for seekers to reconnect with essence, with nature, with that which is already sacred within and around us. It is inviting to come back to the simplicity and joy of life, through meditation and celebration, through inner work and music, deep solitude and community." See more