Dustin says, "Arrived on a sunny day with big smiles and hugs in the reception area. Flowers and forest and ocean. What more could I ask for other than... Incredible garden sourced food, net level facilities, and a staff that truly cares about m well being." See more
Natasha says, "My ten-year-old just loved this program and can't wait to go to the next one! Program leaders are outstanding!" See more
Chris says, "We felt so supported by The Sentinel in our recent retreat, Love, Lover, and Beloved. As facilitators we felt backed by a team of incredible staff who are well tuned into the nature of this work." See more
Gina says, "My experience of Stephanie is that she is a compassionate and deep listener who asks skillful questions to gently nudge and deepen a person's understanding of themselves." See more
Fv says, "Experiential, universal, revelational about relational and self knowledge. Skilled experienced facilitators. Both times I’ve gone it has left me with deep connections in a short time and I continue to stay I." See more