The five day retreat with Emma and Gloria is having a wonderful itinerary created with lots of experience and care. I really liked the beautiful location, the flow of events (which included time to rest), the program overall, the meditations, and the food. It was a good mix of reflection, experience with different plant medicines, conversation, yoga, free time, and more workshop style sessions. The retreat helped me to challenge certain beliefs I was holding but also strengthen my values and views in other areas. It was an emotionally tougher experience than I had anticipated (certainly not uncommon when looking for personal growth) so best not to expect that you will come back like after a normal vacation - post retreat work for integration is needed.
I would generally not recommend this retreat for members of the LGBTQA+ community as rather heteronormative roles and beliefs might be discussed in the context of female and male energies, behaviors, and relationship modes (at least that was the case in our group - might be different from group to group) which can hurt even if not intended to.
Please note that the currently used location is home to a very cute and fat cat - might be an additional argument to attend the retreat for some :-).
Thank you very much for your comment. From Femtheogen team, we want to make sure that those who approach this path of healing do not leave with a mistaken message. This is to ensure that others have the opportunity to come and experience a genuine healing journey, as this is our mission and highest goal.
When we speak of masculine and feminine energies, we are referring to a concept unrelated to gender. We exist within a dualistic nature—there is up and down, inside and outside, feminine and masculine. Therefore, there are feminine traits that a man can embody and masculine traits that can be present in a woman. This is not about human constructs such as creation or language; rather, these concepts pertain to the natural laws that govern us all.
We hold no opposition to any choices made freely and consciously about personal orientation or preferences, as our mission is to help each individual find their inner peace—that state often referred to as happiness. It is important to understand that when we are certain of a truth that lives within us, we don’t feel attacked; instead, we open our awareness to embrace the lessons that are being shared.
In the case of the retreat that you attended, you were very fortunate to be surrounded by incredible women with wonderful stories from which you yourself expressed a desire to learn from. From their feminine energy that is powerful and healing. Nothing happens by coincidence, and this group during this retreat was no exception. Perhaps you might want to reflect on why you’ve had such amazing companions, as this reflection could help you continue growing in your personal development.
Thank you very much for your visit.
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