About Blue Chakana

Upcoming Retreats at Blue Chakana

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Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
Blue Chakana offers destination retreats in specially curated locations and on sacred properties hosted by members of the psychedelic community.


Menu Types

Breakfast/lunch consist of fresh, organic vegetarian foods, eggs, spread of options. Vegan options available. We enter a fast after lunch in preparation for Medicine Ceremony. Soup post ceremony.

Getting Here

Location icon Blue Chakana, Divide, CO. Location varies depending on retreat. See retreat details.


The private and undisclosed locations vary depending on retreat. Located in Colorado. Directions will be sent in preparation email, once deposit is received.

Customer Reviews

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Mission & Vision

Plant Medicine has been utilized for centuries to assist in healing the mind, body, and spirit. It has also been utilized for expansion and consciousness exploration. Our mission is to assist others on their healing journeys, by providing a safe and sacred space for each individual to support them on their path of healing and growth. We are committed to sharing the Medicine of breath and plants, as allies along this journey. We believe that with the proper set, setting, support, and integration, these Medicines can alter the trajectory of our lives for the better. This work is not meant to be done alone, and we are here to fully support and be of service to those who may find themselves called to this truly profound and beautiful inner work and experience.

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