About Kiyokahealing

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
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Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
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Located on the lower terrace of the gardens and with Mount Shasta keeping watch, Hikari Temple consists of three distinct design elements – a 400+ sq. ft. outdoor yoga and meditation studio, a fireplace, and a 120+ sq. ft. labyrinth.


Menu Types

Breakfast: Fresh Fruits, Coconut Yogurt, Granola, Oatmeal, Yogi Tea (Herbal Blend) Lunch: Buddha Bowl Dinner: Creamy Coconut Curry with Basmati Rice

Getting Here

Location icon Kiyokahealing, Hikari Place No. 3409 North Old Stage Road Mount Shasta CA, 96067


The nearest airports are Redding, CA and Medford, OR. The venue is approximately 90 minutes from either airport. Depending on your time of arrival, ride-share options may be available.

Customer Reviews

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Mission & Vision

Our retreat organization exists to provide a sanctuary for individuals seeking mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Located in the serene surroundings of Mt. Shasta, we offer a holistic healing experience that integrates sacred practices such as breathwork, yoga, energy healing, and sound healing. Our retreats are designed to foster a sense of community and belonging, bringing together a sisterhood of like-minded individuals who support each other's journey toward inner peace and transformation.