Our private teachings have been created especially for those who aspire for the highest quality experience and wish to go deeper into the teachings of Tantra massage in a more personal and private setting.
One of the many benefits of Private retreat is that our program is tailored to each persons individual needs. Students have an opportunity to learn the powerful art of touch in the form of Tantra massage in a more depth, with more individual approach and full personal attention from our teachers.
Our Private Tantra massage course is open to couples and single people. If you would like to learn this powerful art of touch together with your partner, you will be practising all the Tantric massage techniques exclusively on each other.
If you join this private retreat as a single person you will have an opportunity to practice all the practical elements of Tantra massage with one of our teachers who is the opposite gender to you.
Our students are guaranteed more time for rejuvenation, energising and for massage and yoga practices. Moreover, the participants receive detailed explanation with the focus on their specific needs.
Another significant benefit of the Private retreat is that we create the personal program exclusively for you for Tantra yoga practices.
This helps our students to properly energise their bodies, to charge them with energy which is needed for successful performance of Tantra massage. We will teach you how to practice yoga in it’s authentic form in the most beneficial way, so it can help to open up energy channels (nadies) and achieve much more powerful energy flow while practising Tantra massage.
We take into account personal physical state and experience level of the student. We design set of asanas (yoga postures) based on your individual needs.
There is no need of any previous experience in yoga or any Tantric practices. We will explain, teach and practice the basics of yoga with you.
However, we also have special programs for students who are more advanced in yoga. So everyone can feel the benefits of the practices.
The schedule is designed in a very balanced and harmonious way. Our students will have sufficient time allocated for rejuvenation, relaxation and self reflection which has vital importance.
During our Private well structured workshop you will be inspired by the demonstration of the powerful art of touch. We will introduce to you theoretical and practical Tantra massage teachings. You will find out how to increase levels of pleasure through magical touch and energy work.
You will learn the fundamentals of how to awaken $exual energy in the human body, how to activate it and circulate it in order to achieve healing and rejuvenation, how to restore vitality and youthfulness. If you and your partner choose to do this course together, both of you will learn how to experience deeper levels of intimacy and how to use this mystical energy for each other’s benefit.
With practice you will begin to experience stronger sensations in your body which will gradually grow into full body Tantric Energy 0rgasm.
You will learn about and practice the following:
What is Tantra and Tantra Massage,
Taking the first steps in the Tantric art of touch,
Tantric couples meditation,
Basics of human energy structure and its relevance in Tantra Massage,
Step by step Tantra massage techniques for the whole body,
The most beneficial movements and techniques in Tantric yoni and lingam massage,
Yoni mapping,
How to skilfully master $exual energy,
Important energy points and massage techniques to increase the energy flow,
Specially prepared Yoga program to meet your individual needs and much more…
*******Important note*******
This course include 9udity and intimate personal touch, therefore it is important for the individuals who are joining to approach it with due respect and maturity.
Please realistically evaluate yourself before applying. There is no explicit $exuality in this training and no explicit $exual activity is part of the curriculum.
We do not use massage tables in our courses and work solely on the floor. This method is most efficient for the control of energy and the execution of our massage techniques.
Working from the floor initially can be challenging for modern people, however, we do find that this generally eases as the course unravels and progresses. Nonetheless, we ask you to please assess your own current physical state to determine if you are able to fully participate in this course.
To book your PRIVATE residential Tantra massage, Yoga and Meditation retreat deposit payment is required.
Once your deposit is received, we will send you an application form for the retreat. We would like to make sure that you have the best experience in this course and therefore we need you to fill in the application form. In that way we can determine if the course is suitable for you.
All the information you provide is strictly confidential and not shared with anyone. Your application will be processed within 5 days.
If your application is not accepted, a full refund of your deposit will be made within 10 days.
The balance of your payment will be due before the start of the retreat.
Please DO NOT make any travel arrangements until your course is confirmed.
Please visit our website for more information on this retreat: www.tantrabridge.org
Not sure if this course is for you or simply have some questions about this retreat? You can schedule a free call with one of our teachers. Just send us a massage on WhatsApp +34699688882 or mail to info@tantrabridge.org
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