Alexander Angerer

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Originally from South Tyrol, Dr. Med. Alexander Angerer specialises in complementary medicine, complementary psychology, phytotherapy, homeopathy, magnetic field therapy (PAPIMI) and Traditional Chinese Medicine. A meeting with Dr. Werner Fundneider, who treated him when he was 10 years old for a rare form of thrombosis, was highly formative. The experience of being in good hands led to him wanting to become a doctor. After a humanistic education, he enrolled at the Innsbruck Medical University. During these years he came to understand that orthodox medicine is essentially fact- based, and therefore, it also approaches homeopathy. Today, with a good dose of irony, he claims that he is not a miraculous healer, but that he offers complementary medical treatment in the "Medical Room" of the Preidlhof. Read More

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