Morgan says, "Very beautiful inside and out, great translator, very accommodating and helpful for organizing the retreat and answering questions, super friendly and supportive " See more
Anonymous says, "This retreat was a beautiful experience, and those who ran it made us feel very safe and looked after-would highly recommend!" See more
Chanel says, "This retreat is a truly immersive, healing and spiritual journey. Sharon and the team at Bluestone will support, challenge and nurture your spirit. You will come out a new person." See more
Felix says, "This experience was life-changing! It was definitely totally different to what I expected and at times very uncomfortable but Alice was there to guide me through and made everything so much easier." See more
Michelle says, "What a beautiful time spent with incredible humans! There were so many firsts on this retreat, and I felt inspired at so many points. I was a bit nervous about certain things like the sharing circles, but was relieved that others on the retreat felt the same." See more
Peter says, "I will always be grateful to Devi Chandra Ma... I have been to ayahuasca retreats 3 times 3 different places. 1st I met Chandra in the Peruvian Jungle( by the chance) 2nd time I choose to meet her at her retreat at the Inca’s Sacred Valley." See more