Michelle says, "Wow. This woman is powerful. I am so grateful that she was my facilitator for this healing journey. She provided an amazing space for the group and made sure each and every one of us were cared about." See more
Olivia says, "I hugely benefited from learning new communications models at the Haven. I feel received and empowered around myself and my emotions and can now communicate them effectively." See more
Erica says, "I am two days out of my retreat with Namchi Bazaar at Hollyhock and am amazed at how that retreat continues to inform my daily life. Not only am I more aware of my alignment, but I am bringing more awareness and relaxation to muscles I habitually tense." See more
Valeria says, "It was a great opportunity to complete Level IV online. The zoom format worked perfectly and although we were not physically together, it still gave us a sense of being in community." See more
Anissa says, "I highly recommend this experience to everyone who wants to dig deeper into their psyche. The retreat was a beautiful experience that gave me a lens into how the psyche works, and a lens into what areas of my psyche need healing and restoration." See more
Terri says, "We did the silent retreat with Andrea and Sat and it was a phenomenal experience. I’ve been to more than 15 yoga/meditation retreats (locally and abroad) and I have to say this was by far the best I’ve experienced." See more