Laura says, "I attended the Arkana Center in Iquitos and let me tell you - it’s a piece of heaven. It was my first Ayahuasca retreat and travelling solo in that part of the world was something that brought me a lot of anxiety but so glad I picked Arkana." See more
Alex says, "Excellent experience with Priyananda and Kala" See more
Julie says, "I loved this place. There’s a deep connection with staff and attendees. Each ceremony was treated with sacred care. Each person was given individual help all the way through." See more
Hector says, "" It is hard to explain Ayahusca Ceremony. I was preparing physically and mentally for my first healing session. I can say I awoke my third eye. I dont have a life or love anymore, I myself am the Life and I am the love." See more
Tiffany says, "I did a 5-day psilocybin retreat in Tulum with Tara at the end of June. It was the most amazing experience, all that I had hoped for and more. What Tara and the medicine helped me see is absolutely life-changing." See more
Anonymous says, "My time with Morgan at Iluminar was wonderful. Her soft, wise presence made me feel completely at ease. Morgan's gentle guidance and open-mindedness allowed me to express myself freely." See more
Sat says, "The location is the perfect setting for soul deep healing. You will be surrounded by the beautiful mountains. The sounds of nature. Fresh fresh air. I cannot put into words the immense healing qualities of the location." See more
Enrico says, "it was mystical, a serious approach and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life." See more