mirangel says, "This program was one of the best things that ever happened to me. The hosts (Dr. ZZ and Jack) were cordial, caring, understanding and knowledgeable. The program itself was blissful, transformative and empowering." See more
Jennifer says, "I came together with a fun and generous community, both attendees and helpers, and shaman, all there for different but similar reasons to experiencing challenges, love, surrender of our issues and egos, all in a safe and supportive setting." See more
Barbara says, "I’ve been back from my Disconnect to Reconnect retreat for a full week now, and happily still feeling the residual effects. Much to my surprise, I was a solo guest for the week that I chose to visit Quantum Leap Retreats." See more
Anonymous says, "Amazing facilitator that was the perfect combination of kind, knowledgeable, and vulnerable. One of the most down to earth facilitators I have ever met. " See more