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Shiva Yoga Peeth offers several Yoga Teacher Training courses in all styles of yoga. Elaborate course structure helps students to learn and practice several relaxation techniques defined in the ancient yogic philosophy. Our Yoga Teacher Training course instructor, Swami Ji, has a wide range of yoga knowledge from many countries and he is continuously furthering his knowledge. Swami Ji has also written books on basic yoga for the betterment of others.



Menu Types

Fresh healthy vegetarian meals only

Getting Here

Location icon Omkarananda, Rishikesh, India


Taxi from Haridwar station

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Mission & Vision

It is a proven fact that yoga is a complete lifestyle for the whole well-being, not just a physical exercise. Swami Ji, yoga master at Shiva Yoga Peeth trains the students with personal attention which makes the course a trans formative experience for the students that remains throughout their lives. 

Swami Ji teaches Hatha yoga, Shivananda yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, Mantra yoga and organizes and delivers many aspects of the Yoga Teacher Training Course. He travels all over India and throughout the world with the aim of spreading the knowledge of yoga and spirituality, peace and happiness, health and harmony to everyone.

The ashram as the most exquisite location overlooking the Ganges in Rishikesh.