Precious Place With Precious People
Having a chance to be immersed in the magical rainforest in such a unique way is purely and simply a gift. An exquisite experience to say the least. To be giving back to Mother Nature by supporting the cause Novalis vouches for is also such a highlight in going on a retreat with them.
They will welcome you with wide open arms and big bright smiles, cook delicious food for you, offer you a comfortable room in an real treehouse, provide you with the right tools you may seek, share their knowledge and wisdom with you, and support you every step of the way - whatever your aim is when choosing to journey with them.
You will most certainly feel safe, supported, and empowered in every aspect.
Wishing for you to take a leap of faith as I did as you will most certainly not regret it.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Novalis family. To me you are now family too. I will see you soon and already cannot wait for next time.
Until then, take good care of yourselves.
With all my love,
Mathilde Read More