Extraordinary :)
The setting for such a retreat couldn't have been better. The rooms were very clean and comfortable, with a very welcoming atmosphere. The property was huge and you are completely surrounded by nature.
The food was excellent and catered towards everything the body needs.
I could sense that the 3 "instructors" honestly want to help people with their work and live their philosophy.
During the trip, I never felt alone. They put much thought into every little detail and are still there to answer all my questions after the retreat.
If you want to do a psilocybin-retreat, this ist the right place. Read More
The food was excellent and catered towards everything the body needs.
I could sense that the 3 "instructors" honestly want to help people with their work and live their philosophy.
During the trip, I never felt alone. They put much thought into every little detail and are still there to answer all my questions after the retreat.
If you want to do a psilocybin-retreat, this ist the right place. Read More