Amber Ward Energy Atelier

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Hi I'm Amber Ward, Energy Atelier. I'm your host and mentor at The Art of Being Retreat, Malta.

Having lived and worked in multiple countries serving diverse people, I’ve been known as an executive leader, mentor, facilitator and healer. Career roles include founder, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer within the wellness space. With an early career in professional design & art, my path has come full circle embodying the art of living - welcome to Energy Atelier.

When people asked about my work I often found myself responding with resumé achievements over the years, however I have a little secret sauce that’s been kind of underground - which is that I deeply understand energy. Personal energy, interpersonal energy and collective energy, and how these are the tangible foundations of both our personal and professional success.

Having overcome my own health and wellness challenges since a young age including hormonal imbalance, anxiety and nervous system dysregulation, post-viral fatigue, burnout and grief, as well as adaptability to live in multiple countries while founding and leading companies, I’ve learnt to embody adaptability, resilience, inner-peace and joy through holistic wellness.

As a Certified Practitioner of Coaching working with my intuitive sensitivities and experiential wisdom, where we meet is the place where I’ve synthesised my experience and the ways I’ve navigated the world. Having researched and practiced contemporary health & wellness and traditional wisdoms for over three decades, combined with business strategy and leadership experience, I bring a unique blend which has become the right mix for the clients I work with.

I’m an eternal student of energy and quantum consciousness with a holistic systems-thinking approach traversing science, neuroscience, physical and non-physical elements of energy that drive the human experience.

What methods to I work with?

Depending on the needs and goals of my clients, I work with practiced and proven tools from neuroscience, ancient wisdoms and contemporary holistic practices including bio-optimisation techniques that I have personally worked with and include in my daily practices, some for nearly three decades. Including but not limited to breathing techniques, meditation, mindfulness, visualisation, EFT, earthing, grounding, sound, movement, subtle energy tools and techniques, working with adaptogens and plant allies, nutrition, strategic lifestyle and environmental toxin audits and redesign, as well as being guided by clairsentience to provide intuitive guidance as appropriate. I am also currently training as a Spinal Energetics™️ practitioner.

Nearly a decade ago I developed a dynamic and holistic Energy Star™️ values model that guides people to not only identify and align with their values across five key dimensions, it also readily points to where misalignments may be and how to immediately course correct to values alignment with ease and empowerment.

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