Darcy says, "I attended the Iconography Workshop at St. Placid Priory with Fr. Damien from the Monks of Mt. Tabor Monastery in August 2018. This workshop was wonderful. It provided me with an opportunity to reflect and meditate on the process of painting holy icons for worship." See more
Kassia says, "I had a wonderful preparation call with Marcel. He knows all the ins and outs of psilocybin and how it works in the brain. By explaining he took away all the fear that I had to make the next step." See more
Anonymous says, "I feel immense gratitude to have been called to meet Neten and experience her four-day retreat. The focus, unwavering presence and fierce compassion and love she gave coupled with the warm, comfortable container that is her home supported me in traveling deep, past my thinking mind, and into the frequency that is my essence and inner wisdom." See more
Imran says, "Highly reccomend this team. Came in with some caution but was greeted by a wonderfull family. They make sure to take care of you well. It's guided by a Shaaman who knows the arts of spiritual healing and works in those traditions." See more
Ai says, "Whenever I join, whether as a participant of a retreat, or come to provide healing sessions…. I’m always touched by how intentionally mindful everything is at this place." See more
Maria says, "This retreat in heaven, or more specifically in La Floresta in Lake Atitlan, is medicine for the voice and a balm to he soul. The days spent there were relaxed and playful." See more
Anonymous says, "The Space and Ease retreat was just what I needed to get away from everything in a beautiful and peaceful setting. The high end cabins are well designed to share with a friend." See more
Achille says, "Am a breath master and a curious person and it was a while since I wanted to try the Ayahuasca so that ,after lot of research,I found Vera&Alex here in my Archipelago." See more