Din says, "I stayed for 9 days in that dream place. It was a very special and worthwhile experience. A special place with a calm atmosphere, surrounded by beautiful green tropical areas ana amazing view." See more
Andrew says, "My experience was undeniably mystical. The concept of 'I' or my ego dissolved, and I transcended into pure light energy, akin to a divine source. I learned that this physical body holds little significance and Time is a non-existent construct in the Universe." See more
Maria says, "Diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress I have been through many therapists and therapy methods over the last years and nothing seems to help me. I started to be open to other ways, since traditional health care, as a paradox made me even more mentally ill." See more
Anonymous says, "The property is new and everything is clean. Food was great, the retreat made it even more wonderful. Service was spectacular. This was probably my best stay out of my entire life " See more