Philippe says, "If you're looking for a guided psilocybin retreat, this is it. I wanted someone who could help with my first experience, both using traditional shamanic approaches but also with a level of therapeutic control on dosage and setting." See more
Thora says, "I was one of the participants on the first retreat. I didn’t know what to expect, but it was better than I could have imagined. Kerrie and Alice, the retreat hosts, use a fully integrative approach to healing with psilocybin, offering days of self-exploration and emotional healing processes in between the ceremonies." See more
Asgeir says, "This was my first time trying this, and to be honest I didn't know what to expect. I was really curious, and I'm so glad I decided to to this. The atmosphere and people were amazing." See more
Kassia says, "I never felt I was in good hands ever before! Thanks for the support and pro-active stance to help me!" See more
Wilhelm says, "The retreat was done in a loving spirit and I felt very safe during the whole process. And the guides acted with high professionality. I am very grateful having participated this weekend." See more
Anonymous says, "A calm, loving and safe guide and yogainstructor. She always has a warm smile and kind nature." See more
lisa says, "It’s difficult to know quite where to start in describing how these days exceeded all my expectations. I have never been looked after as well on all levels. Like staying with your favourite grandmother with benefits." See more
Aileen says, "Magda was my guide. She’s gentle with a loving soul and she expertly guided me through what was a fabulous journey of discovery.. The pre retreat information and discussion was excellent and I felt very well prepared." See more